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Coins Inscriptions

By Royal Mint    |   Tuesday, 3 July 2001

This alphabetical listing is confined to inscriptions, mainly in the form of mottoes or of a commemorative nature. Names of rulers are, for the most part, excluded. Where the inscription is in a language other than English a translation is given, followed by the name of the issuing country or authority.

Inscription Translation Issuing country or authority
A Deo et Caesare From God and the Emperor Frankfurt
A Domino Factum est Istud et est Mirabile in Oculis Nostris This is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes England, Mary
A Solo lehova Sapientia From God alone comes true wisdom Wittgenstein
Ab Inimicis Meis Libera Me Deus Free me from enemies Burgundy
Ad Legem Conventionis According to the law of the Convention Furstenberg
Ad Normam Conventionis According to the standard of the Convention Prussia
Ad Palmam Pressa Laeturo Resurgo Pressed to the palm I rise more joyfully Wittgenstein
Ad Usam Luxemburgi CC Vallati For the use of the besieged Luxembourgers Luxembourg siege coins
Adiuva Nos Deus Salutaris Noster Help us, O God, our Saviour Lorraine
Adventus Optimi Principis The coming of the noblest prince Papacy
Aes Usibus Aptius Auro Bronze in its uses is more suitable than gold Brazil
Aeternum Meditans Decus An ornament intended for all time Alencon
Aliis Inserviendo Consumor I spend my life devoted to others Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel
Alles Mit Bedacht All with reflection Brunswick
Amor Populi Praesidium Regis The love of the people is the king's protection England, Charles I
Ang Fra Dom Hib & Aquit (King) of England and France, Lord of Ireland and Aquitaine England, Edward III
Anno Regni Primo In the first year of the reign Britain, edge inscription on crowns
Apres les Tenebres la Lumiere After the shadows, the light Geneva
Archangelus Michael Archangel Michael Italy, Grimoald IV
Ardua ad Gloriam Via Struggles are the way to glory Waldeck
Arte Mea Bis lustus Moneta Lud lust By my art I am twice the just coin of King Louis France, 1641
Aspera Oblectant Wild places delight Nassau-Weilburg
Aspice Pisas Sup Omnes Specio Behold the coin of Pisa, superior to all Pisa
Audiatur Altera Pars Let the other part be heard Stavelot
Auf Gott Trawe Ich In God I trust Brunswick
Ausen Gefaesen der Kirchen und Burger From the vessels of the Church and citizens Frankfurt siege, 1796
Auspicio Regis et Senatus Angliae By authority of the king and parliament of England East India Company
Auxilio fortissimo Dei With the strongest help of God Mecklenburg
Auxilium de Sanctio Aid from the sanctuary Papacy
Auxilium Meum a Dno Qui Fecit Celum e Terram My help comes from God who made heaven and earth Portugal
Basilea Basle
Beata Tranquillatis Blessed tranquillity Rome, Licinius II
Beatus Qui Speravit in dom Blessed is he who has hoped in the Lord Mansfeld
Benedic Haereditati Tuae Blessings on your inheritance Savoy
Benedicta Sit Sancta Trinitas Blessed be the Holy Trinity Albon
Benedictio Domini Divites Facit The blessing of the Lord makes the rich Teschen
Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Flanders
Beschaw das Ziel Sage Nicht Viel Consider the matter but say little Quedlinburg
Besser Land und Lud Verloren als ein Falscher Aid Geschworn Better to lose land and wealth than swear a false oath Hesse
Bey Gott ist Rath und That With God is counsel and deed Mansfeld
Britanniarum Regina Queen of the Britains Britain, Victoria
Britt Omn Rex King of all the Britains i.e.Britain and the overseas dominions
Britain, 1902-52
Cal et Car Com de Fugger in Zin et Norn Sen & Adm Fam Cajetan and Carl, Counts of Fugger in Zinnenberg and Nordendorf, Lords and Administrators of the Family Empire, Fugger
Candide et Constanter Sincerely and steadfastly Hesse-Cassel
Candide sed Provide Clearly but cautiously Osterwitz
Candore et Amore With sincerity and love Fulda
Candore et Constantia With sincerity and constancy Bavaria
Capit Cath Ecclesia Monasteriensis Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Munster Munster
Capit Eccle Metropolit Colon Chapter of the Metropolitan Church of Cologne Cologne
Capitulum Regnans Sede Vacante Chapter governing, the See being vacant Eichstadt
Carola Magna Ducissa Feliciter Regnante Grand Duchess Charlotte, happily reigning Luxembourg
Carolus a Carolo Charles (I) to Charles (II) England
Cedunt Prementi Fata The fates yield to him who presses Ploen, Hese-Cassel
Charitate et Candore With charity and sincerity East Frisia
Charta Magna Bavariae The Great Charter of Bavaria Bavaria
Christo Auspice Regno I reign under the auspices of Christ England, Charles I
Christus Spes Una Salutis Christ is our one hope of salvation Cleve
Chur Mainz Electoral Principality of Mainz Mainz
Circumeundo Servat et Ornat It serves and decorates by going around Sweden
Civibus Quorum Pietas Coniuratione Die III Mai MDCCXCI Obrutam et Deletam Libertate Polona Tueri Conabatur Respublica Resurgens To the citizens whose piety the resurgent commonwealth tried to protect Poland overturned and deprived of libertv by the conspiracy of the third day of May 1791 Poland
Civitas Lucemborgiensis Millesimum Ovans Expletannum Completing the celebration of a thousand years of the city of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Civium Industria Floret Civitas By the industry of its people the state flourishes Festival of Britain crown, 1951
Cluniaco Cenobio Petrus et Paulus Peter and Paul from the Abbey of Cluny Cluny
Comes Provincie Fili Regis Francie Court of Provence and son of the King of France Provence
Communitas et Senatus Bonon City and senate of Bologna Bologna
Concordia Fratrum The harmony of the brothers lever
Concordia Patriae Nutrix Peace, the nurse of the fatherland Waldeck
Concordia Res Panae Crescunt Little things increase through harmony Batavian Republic
Concordia Res Parvae Crescunt, Discordia Dilabuntur By harmony little things increase, by discord they fall apart Lowenstein-Wertheim-Virneburg
Concordia Stabili With lasting peace Hildesheim
Confidens Dno Non Movetur He who trusts in God is unmoved Spanish Netherlands
Confidentia in Deo et Vigilantia Trust in God and vigilance Prussian Asiatic Company
Confoederato Helvetica Swiss Confederation Switzerland
Conjuncto Felix Fortunate in his connections Solms
Conservator Urbis Suae Saviour of his city Rome, 4th century
Consilio et Aequitate With deliberation and justice Fulda
Consilio et Virtutis With deliberation and valour Hesse-Cassel
Constanter et Sincere Steadfastly and sincerely Lautern
Crescite et Multiplicamini Increase and multiply Maryland
Cristiana Religio Christian religion Germany, 11th century
Crux Benedicat May the cross bless you Oldenburg
Cuius Cruore Sanati Sumus By His sacrifice are we healed Reggio
Cultores Sui Deus Protegit God protects His followers England, Charles I
Cum Deo et Die With God and the day Wurttemberg
Cum Deo et Jure With God and the law Wurttemberg
Cum Deo et Labore With God and work Wittgenstein
Cum His Qui Orderant Pacem Eram Pacificus With those who order peace I was peaceful Zug
Curie Bonthon to so Doulo Protect his servant, o Lord Byzantine Empire
Custos Regni Deus God is the guardian of the kingdom Naples and Sicily
Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensor
By the Grace of God Queen Defender of the Faith
United Kingdom (1p - £2)
Da Gloriam Deo et Eius Genitrici Marie
Give glory to God and His mother Mary Wurttemberg
Da Mihi Virtutem Contra Hostes Tuos Give me valour against mine enemies Netherlands, Charles V
Dat Wort is Fleis Gworden The word is made flesh Muster
Date Caesaris Caesari et Quae Sunt Dei Deo Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's Stralsund
De Oficina ... From the mint of... France, medieval
Decreto Reipublicae Nexu Confoederationis lunctae Die V Xbris MDCCXCII Stanislao Augusto Regnante By decree of the state in conjunction with the joint federation on the fifth day of December 1792, Stanislaus Augustus ruling Poland
Decus et Tutamen An ornament and a safeguard Britain, pound
Deducet Nos Mirabiliter DexteraTua Thy right hand will guide us miraculously Savoy
Denarium Terrae Mariae Penny of Maryland Maryland
Deo Conservatori Pacis To God, preserver of peace Brandenburg-Ansbach
Deo OM Auspice Suaviter et Fortiter sed Luste nec Sibi sed Suis Under the auspices of God, greatest and best, pleasantly and bravely but justly, not for himself but for his people Speyer
Deo Patriae et Subditio For God, fatherland and neighbourhood Mainz
Der Recht Glaubt In Ewig Lebt Who believes in right will live in eternity Linange-Westerburg
Der Rhein ist Deutschlands Strom Nicht Deutschlands Grenze The Rhine is Germany's River not Germany's Frontier Germany
Deum Solum Adorabis You will venerate God alone Hesse
Deus Constituit Regna God establishes kingdoms Nijmegen
Deus Dat Qui Vult God gives to him who wishes Hanau-Munzenberg
Deus et Dominus God and Lord Rome, 3rd century
Deus in Adiutorium Meum Intende God stretch out in my assistance France
Deus Providebit God will provide Lowenstein Wertheim-Virneburg
Deus Refugium Meum God is my refuge Cleve
Deus Solatium Meum God is my comfort Sweden
Dextera Domini Exaltavit Me The right hand of God has raised me up Modena, Spain
Dextra Dei Exalta Me The right hand of God exalts me Denmark
Dieu et Mon Droit God and my right Britain, George IV
Dilexit Dns Andream The Lord delights in St Andrew Holstein
Dilexit Dominus Decorem lustitiae The Lord is pleased with the beauty of justice Unterwalden
Dirige Deus Gressus Meos O God, direct my steps Tuscany, Britain, Una £5
Discerne Causam Meam Distinguish my cause Savoy
Divina Benedictiae et Caesarea lustitia Sacrifice of blessings and imperial justice Coblenz
Dn lhs Chs Rex Regnantium Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings Rome, ]ustinian II
Dns Ptetor Ms Z Lib'ator Ms The Lord is my protector and liberator Scotland, David II
Dominabitur Gentium et lpse He himself will also be lord of the nations Austrian Netherlands
Domine Conserva Nos in Pace O Lord preserve us in peace Basle, Mulhausen
Domine Elegisti Lilium Tibi O Lord Thou hast chosen the lily for Thyself France, Louis XI
Domine ne in Furore Tuo Arguas Me O Lord, rebuke me not in Thine anger England, Edward III
Domine Probasti Me et Congnovisti Me O LordThou hast tested me and recognised me Mantua
Domini est Regnum The Kingdom is the Lord's Austrian Netherlands
Dominus Deus Omnipotens Rex Lord God, almighty King Viking coins
Dominus Mihi Adiutor The Lord is my helper Spanish Netherlands
Dominus Providebit The Lord will provide Berne
DominusSpes Populi Sui The Lord is the hope of his people Lucerne
Donum Dei ex Fodinis Vilmariens A gift of God from the Vilmar mines Coblenz
Duce Deo Fide et Justicia By faith and justice lead us to God Ragusa
Dum Praemor Amplior I increase while I die prematurely Savoy
Dum Spiro Spero While I live, I hope Pontefract siege coins
Dum Totum Compleat Orbem Until it fills the world France, Henri II
Dura Pati Virtus Valour endures hardships Saxe-Lauenburg
Durae Necessitatis Through force of necessity Bommel siege, 1599
Durum Telum Necessitas Hardship is a weapon of necessity Minden
Dux et Gubematores Reip Genu Duke and govemors of the republic of Genoa Genoa
E Pluribus Unum One out of more USA
Eccl S. Barbarae Patronae Fodin Kuttenbergensium Duo Flor Arg Puri The church of St Barbara, patron of the Kuttensberg mines, two florins of pure silver Hungary
Een en Ondelbaer Sterk One and indivisible Batavian Republic
Eendracht Mag Macht Unity makes strength Belgium, South African Republic
Einigkeit Rechtund Freiheit Union, right and freedom Germany
Electorus Saxoniae Administrator Elector and administrator of Saxony Saxony
Elimosina Alms France; Pepin
Ep Fris & Ratisb Ad Prum Pp Coad Aug Bishop of Freising and Regensburg, administrator of Pruem, prince-provost, co-adjutant bishop of Augsburg Trier
Equa Libertas Deo Gratia Frat Pax in Virtute Tua et in Domino Confido I believe in equal liberty bythe grace of God, brotherly love in Thy valour and in the Lord Burgundy
Equitas ludicia Tua Dom Equity and Thy judgments O Lord Gelderland
Espoir Me Conforte Hope comforts me Mansfeld
Espreuve Faicto Par Lexpres Commandement du Roy Proof made by the express commandment of the King France, piedtorts
Et in Minimis Integer Faithful even in the smallest things Olmutz
Ex Auro Argentes Resurgit From gold it arises, silver again Sicily
Ex Auro Sinico From Chinese gold Denmark
Ex Flammis Orior I arise from the flames Hohenlohe-Neuenstein-Ohringen
Ex Fodinis Bipontio Seelbergensibus From the Seelberg mines of Zweibrucken Pfalz-Birkenfeld
Ex Metallo Novo From new metal Spain
Ex Uno Omnis Nostra Salus From one is all our salvation Eichstadt, Mulhouse
Ex Vasis Argent Cleri Mogunt Pro Aris et Focis From the silver vessels of the clergy of Mainz for altars and for hearths Mainz
Ex Visceribus Fodinse Bieber From the bowels of the Bieber mine Hanau-Munzenberg
Exaltabitur in Gloria He shall be exalted in glory England, quarter nobles
Exemplum Probati Numismatis An example of a proof coin France, Louis XIII piedforts
Exemtae Eccle Passau Episc et SRI Princ Prince Bishop of the freed church of Passau, prince of the Holy Roman Empire Passau
Expectate Veni Come, o expected one Roman Britain, Carausius
Extremum Subidium Campen Kampen under extreme siege Kampen, 1578
Exurgat Deus et Dissipenhr Inimici Eius Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered England, James I
Faciam Eos in Gentem Unam I will make them one nation England, unites and laurels
Faith and Truth I will Bear unto You UK £5,1993
Fata Consiliis Potiora The fates are more powerful than councils Hesse-Cassel
Fata Viam Invenient The fates will find a way Gelderland
Fecit Potentiam in Brachio Suo He put power in your forearm Lorraine
Fecunditas Fertility Naples and Sicily
Fel Temp Reparatio The restoration of lucky times Rome, AD 348
Felicitas Perpetua Everlasting good fortune Rome, Constantius II
Felix coniunctio Happy Union Brandenburg-Ansbach
Fiat Misericordia Tua Dne Let Thy mercy be O Lord Gelderland
Fiat Voluntas Domini Perpetuo Let the goodwill of the Lord last for ever Fulda
Fidei Defensor Defender of the Faith Britain
Fidelitate et Fortitudine With fidelity and fortitude Batthanyi
Fideliter et Constanter Faithfully and steadfastly Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Fidem Servando Patriam Tuendo By keeping faith and protecting the fatherland Savoy
Filius Augustorum Son of emperors Rome, 4th century
Fisci Iudaici Calumnia Sublata The false accusation of the Jewish tax lifted Rome, Nerva
Florent Concordia Regna Through harmony kingdoms flourish England, Charles I and II
Fortitudo et Laus Mea Dominu Fortitude and my praise in the Lord Sardinia
Free Trade to Africa by Act of Parliment (Sic) Gold Coast
Friedt Ernehrt Unfriedt Verzehrt Peace nourishes, unrest wastes Brunswick
Fulgent Sic Littora Rheni Thus shine the banks of the Rhine Mannheim
Fundator Pacis Founder of peace Rome,Severus
Gaudium Populi Romani The joy of the Roman people Rome, 4th century
Gen C Mar Vl Dim Col USC & RAMAI Cons & S Conf M General field marshal, colonel of the only dragoon regiment, present privy councillor of both their sacred imperial and royal apostolic majesties, and state conference minister Batthanyi
Gerecht und Beharrlich Just and steadfast Bavaria
Germ Hun Boh Rex AAD Loth Ven Sal King of Germany, Hungary and Bohemia, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Lorraine, Venice and Salzburg Austria
Germ Jero Rex Loth Bar Mag Het Dux King of Germany, Jerusalem, Lorraine and Bar, Grand Duke of Tuscany Austrian Netherlands
Germania Voti Compos Germany sharing the vows Brandenburg-Ansbach
Gloria ex Amore Patriae Glory from love of country Denmark
Gloria in Excelsis Deo Glory to God in the highest France, Sweden
Gloria Novi Saeculi The glory of a new century Rome, Gratian
God With Us England, Commonwealth
Godt Met Ons God with us Oudewater
Gottes Freundt der Pfaffen Feindt God' s friend, the Pope's enemy Brunswick, Christian
Gratia Dei Sum Id Quod Sum By the grace of God, I am what I am Navarre
Gratia Di Rex By the grace of God, king France, 8th century
Gratitudo Condvibus Exemplum Posteritati Gratitude to fellow Citizens, an example to posterity Poland
Gud och Folket God and the people Sweden
Hac Nitimur Hanc Tuemur With this we strive, this we shall defend Batavian Republic
Hac Sub Tutela Under this protection Eichstadt
Haec Sunt Munera Minerae S Antony Eremitae These are the rewards of the mine of St Antony the hermit Hildesheim
Hanc Deus Dedit God has given this Pontefract siege coins
Hanc Tuemur Hac Nitimur This we defend, by this we strive Batavian Republic
Has Nisi Periturus Mihi Adimat Nemo Let no one remove these (Letters) from me under penalty of death Commonwealth, edge inscription
Henricus Rosas Regna Jacobus Henry (united) the roses, James the kingdoms England and Scotland, James VI and I
Herculeo Vincta Nodo Bound by a Herculean fetter Savoy
Herr Nach Deinem Willen O Lord Thy will be done Palatinate Erbach
Herre Gott Verleich Uns Gnade Lord God grant us grace Brunswick
Hic Est Qui Multum Orat Pro Populo Here is he who prays a lot for the people Paderborn
Hir Steid te Biscop Here is represented the bishop Gittelde
His Ventis Vela Levantur By these winds the sails are raised up Hesse-Cassel
Hispaniarum Infans Infante of Spain and its dominions Spain
Hispaniarum et Ind Rex King of Spain and the lndies Spain
Hispaniarum Rex King of Spain Spain
Hoc Signo Victor Eris With this sign you will be victor Rome, Vetranio
Honeste et Decenter Honestly and decently Nassau-Idstein
Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense Evil to him who evil thinks Britain, George III
Honni Soit Qui Mal y Pense Hesse-Cassel
Hospitalis et S Sepul Hierusal Hospital and Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Malta
Hun Boh Gal Rex AA Lo Wi et in Fr Dux King of Hungary, Bohemia and Galicia, Archduke of Austria, Dalmatia, Lodomeria, Wurzburg and Duke in Franconia Austria
Hung Boh Lomb et Ven Gal LodIII Rex Aa King of Hungary, Bohemia, Lombardo-Venezia, Galicia, Lodomeria and Illyria, Archduke of Austria Austria
Ich Dien I serve Aberystwyth 2d (two pence) , UK 2p
Ich Getrawe Gotin Aller Noth I trust in God in all my needs Hesse-Marburg
Ich Habe Nur Ein Vaterland und das Heisst Deutschland I have only one fatherland and that is called Germany Germany
Ielithes Penniae Penny of Gittelde Gittelde, 11th century
Iesus Autem Transiens Per Medium lllorum Ibat But Jesus, passing through the midst of them, went His way England, Scotland, Anglo-Gallic
Iesus Rex Noster et Deus Noster Jesus is our king and our God Florence
Ihs Xs Rex Regnantium Jesus Christ, King of Kings Byzantine Empire
Ihsus Xristus Basileu Baslie Jesus Christ, King of Kings Byzantine Empire
Imago Sanch Regis Illustris Castelle Legionis e Toleto The image of Sancho the illustrious king of Castile, Leon and Toledo.
In Casus Per Vigil Omnes In all seasons through vigil Wertheim
In Deo Meo Transgrediar Murum In my God I shall pass through walls Teschen
In Deo Spes Mea In God is my hope Gelderland
In Domino Fiducia Nostra In the Lord is our trust Iever
In Equitate Tua Vivificasti Me In thy equity Thou hast vivified me Gelderland
In God We Trust USA
In Hoc Signo Vinces In this sign shalt thou conquer Portugal
In H onore Sci Mavrici Marti In honour of the marhr St Maurice St Maurice, 8th century
In Manibus Domini sortes Meae In the hands of the Lord are my fates Mainz siege, 1688-89
In Memor Vindicatae Libere ac Relig In memory of the establishment of freedom and religion Sweden
In Memoriam Conjunctionis Utriusque Burgraviatus Norice In memory of the union of both burgraviates in peace Brandenburg-Ansbach
In Memorian Connub Feliciaes lnter Princ Her Frider Carol et Dub Sax August Louis Frider Rodas D 28 Nov 1780 Celebrati In memory of the most happy marriage between the hereditary prince Friedrich Karl and the Duchess of Saxony Augusta Louisa Frederika, celebrated on 28 Nov 1780 Schwarzburg- Rudolstadt)
In Memorian Felicisssimi Matrimonii In memory of the most happy marriage Wied
In Memoriam Pacis Teschinensis Commemorating the Treaty of Teschen Brandenburg-Ansbach
In Nomine Domini Amen In the name of the Lord amen Zaltbommel
In Omnem Tenam Sonus Eorum In to all the land their shall go sound Chateau Renault, Papal States
In Silencio et Spe Fortitudo Mea In silence and hope is my fortitude Brandenburg-Kustrin
In Spe et Silentio Fortitudo Mea In hope and silence is my fortitude Vianen
In Te Domine Confido In you O Lord I place my trust Hesse
In Te Domine Speravi In You, O Lord, I have hoped Gurk
In Tena Pax Peace in the land Papacy
In Via Virtuti Nulla Via There is no way for virtue on the way. Veldenz
Ind Imp, Indiae Imperator, Imperatrix Emperor (Empress) of India Britain
India Tibi Cessit India has yielded to thee Portuguese India
Infestus Infestis Hostile to the troublesome Savoy
Inimicos Eius Induam Conhsione As for his enemies, I shall clothe them in shame Sardinia, England, Edward VI
Insignia Capituli Brixensis The badge of the chapter of Brixen Brixen
Isti Sunt Patres Tui Verique Pastores These are your fathers and true shepherds Papacy
Iudicium Melius Posteritatis Erit Posterity's judgment will be better Paderborn
Iure et Tempore By right and time Groningen
Iusques a Sa Plenitude As far as your plenitude France, Henri II
Iuste et Constanter Justly and constantly Paderborn
Iustirt Adjusted Hesse-Cassel
Iustitia et Concordia Justice and harmony Zurich
Iustitia et Mansuetudine By justice and mildness Bavaria, Cologne
Iustitia Regnorum Fundamentum Justice is the foundation of kingdoms Austria
Iustitia Thronum Firmat Justice strengthens the throne England, Charles I
Iustus Non Derelinquitur The just person is not deserted Brandenburg-Calenberg
Iustus Ut Palma Florebit The just will flourish like the palm Portugal
L Mun Planco Rauracorum Illustratori Vetustis- simo To L Municius Plancus the most ancient and celebrated of the Rauraci Basle
Landgrin Cleggov Com in Sulz Dux Crum Landgrave of Klettgau, count of Sulz, duke of Krumlau Schwarzburg-Sonderhausen
Latina Emeri Munita Latin money of Merida Suevi
Lege et Fide By law and faith Austria
Lex Tua Veritas Thy law is the truth Tuscany
Liberta Eguaglianza Freedom and equality Venice
Libertad en la Ley Freedom within the law Mexico
Libertas Carior Auro Freedom is dearer than gold St Gall
Libertas Vita Carior Freedom is dearer than life Kulenberg
Libertas Xpo Firmata Freedom strengthened by Christ Genoa
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite Liberty, equality, fraternity France
Lucerna Pedibus Meis Verbum Est Thy word is a lamp unto mine feet England, Edward Vl
Lumen ad Revelationem Gentium Light to enlighten the nations Papacy
L'Union Fait la Force The union makes strength Belgium
Macula Non Est in Te There is no sin in Thee Essen
Magnus ab Integro Saeculorum Nascitur Ordo The great order of the centuries is born anew Bavaria
Mandavit Dominus Palatie hanc Monetam Fiert The lord of the Palatine ordained this coin to be made Balath
Manibus Ne Laedar Avaris Lest l be injured by greedy hands Sweden
Mar Bran Sac Rom Imp Arcam et Elec Sup Dux Siles Margrave of Brandenburg, archchamberlain of the Holy Roman Empire and elector, senior duke of Silesia Prussia
Maria Mater Domini Xpi Mary mother of Christ the Lord Teutonic Knights
Maria Unxit Pedes Xpisti Mary washes the feet of Christ France, Rene d'Anjou
Mater Castrorum Mother of fortresses Rome, Marcus Aurelius
Matrimonio Conjuncti Joined in wedlock Austria
Me Coniunctio Servat Dum Scinditur Frangor The relationship serves me while I am being torn to pieces Lowenstein-Wertheim
Mediolani Dux Duke of Milan Milan
Mediolani et Man Duke of Mantua and Milan Milan
Memor Ero Tui lustina Virgo I shall remember you, o maiden Justina Venice
Merces Laborum Wages of work Wurzburg
Mirabilia Fecit He wrought marvels Viking coinage
Misericordia Di Rex King by the mercy of God France, Louis lI
Mo Arg Ord Foe Belg D Gel & CZ Silver coin of the order of the Belgian Federation, duchy of Guelderland, county of Zutphen Guelderland
Moneta Abbatis Coin of the abbey German ecclesiastical coins, 13th-14th centuries
Moneta Argentiae Ord Foed Belgii Holl Silver coin of the federated union of Belgium and Holland Batavian Republic
Mo No Arg Con Foe Belg Pro Hol New silver coin of the Belgian Federation, province of Holland Holland
Mo No Arg Pro Confoe Belg Trai Holl New silver coin of the confederated Belgian provinces, Utrecht and Holland Batavian Republic
Mon Lib Reip Bremens Coin of the free state of Bremen Bremen
Mon Nova Arg Duc Curl Ad Norma Tal Alb New silver coin of the duchy of Courland, according to the standard of the Albert thaler Courland
Mon Nov Castri Imp New coin of the Imperial free city of... Friedberg
Moneta Bipont Coin of Zweibrucken Pfalz-Birkenfeld-Zweibrucken
Monet Capit Cathedr Fuld Sede Vacante Coin of the cathedral chapter of Fulda, the see being vacant Fulda
Moneta in Obsidione Tomacensi Cusa Coin struck during the siege of Tournai Tournai, 1709
Moneta Livosesthonica Coin of Livonia Estonia
Moneta Nov Arg Regis Daniae New silver coin of the king of Denmark Denmark
Moneta Nova Ad Norman Conventionis New coin according to the Convention standard Orsini-Rosenberg
Moneta Nova Domini Imperatoris New coin of the lord emperor Brunswick, 13th century
Moneta Nova Lubecensis New coin of Lubeck.
Moneta Nova Reipublicae Halae Suevicae New coin ot the republic of Hall in Swabia.
Moneta Reipublicae Ratisbonensis Coin of the republic of Regensburg.
Nach Alt Reichs Schrot und Korn According to the old empire's grits and grain Hesse
Nach dem Conventions Fusse According to the Convention's basis German Conventionsthalers
Nach dem Frankf Schlus According to the Frankfurt standard Solms
Nach dem Schlus der V Staend According to the standard of the union Hesse
Navigare Necesse Est It is necessary to navigate Germany
Nec Aspera Terrent Nor do difficulties terrify Brunswick
Nec Cito Nec Temere Neither hastily nor rashlly Cambrai
Nec Numina Desunt Nor is the divine will absent Savoy
Nec Temere Nec Timide Neither rashly nor timidly Danzig, Lippe
Necessitas Legem Non Habet Necessity has no law Magdeburg
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit No one touches me with impunity UK, Scottish pound edge inscription
Nihil Restat Reliqui No relic remains Ypres
Nil Ultra Aras Nothing beyond the rocks Franque- mont
No Nobis Dne Sed Noi Tuo Da Gloriam Not to us, o Lord but to Thy name be glory given France, Francis I
Nobilissimum Dom Ac Com in Lipp & St Most noble lord and count in Lippe and Sternberg Schaumburg-Lippe
Nomen Domini Turris Fortissima The name of the Lord is the strongest tower Frankfurt
Non Aes Sed Fides Not bronze but trust Malta
Non Est lortale Quod Opto What I desire is not mortal Mecklenburg
Non,lihi Sed Populo Not to me but to the people Bavaria
Non Relinquam Vos Orphanos I shall not leave you as orphans Papacy
Non Surrexit Major None greater has arisen Genoa, Malta
Nullum Simulatum Diuturnum Tandem Nothing that is feigned lasts long Wittgenstein
Nummorum Famulus The servant of the coinage England, tin halfpence and farthings
Nunquam Retrorsum Never backwards Brunswick-Wolfenbuttei
O Crux Ave Spes Unica Hail, o Cross, our only hope England half-angels, France Rene d'Anjou
O Maria Ora Pro Me O Mary pray for me Bavaria
Ob Cives Senatos On account of the rescued citizens Rome, Augustus
Oculi Domini Super lustos The eyes of the Lord look down on the just Neuchatel
Omnia Auxiliante Maria Mary helping everything Schwyz
Omnia Cum Deo Everything with God Reuss-Greiz
Omnia cum Deo et Nihil Sine Eo Everthing with God and nothing without Him Erbach
Omnis Potestas a Deo Est All power comes from God Sweden
Opp & Carn Dux Comm Rittb SCI Cons Int & Compi Mareschal Duke of Troppau and Carniola, count of Rietberg, privy counciilor ot his sacred imperial majesty, field marshal Liechtenstein
Opp & Carn... Aur Velleris Eques Duke of Troppau... knight of the Golden Fleece Liechtenstein
Opportune Conveniently Savoy
Optimus Princeps Best prince Rome, Trajan
Opulentia Salerno Wealthy Salerno Siculo-Norman kingdom
Pace et lustitia With peace and justice Spanish Netherlands
Pacator Orbis Pacifier of the world Rome, Aurelian
Palma Sub Pondere Crescit The palm grows under its weight Waldeck
Pater Noster Our Father Flanders, 14th century
Pater Patriae Father of his country Rome, Caligula
Patria Si Dreptul Meu The country and my right Roumania
Patrimon Henr Frid Sorte Divisum The heritage of Heinrich Friedrich divided by lot Hohenlohe-Langenberg
Patrimonia Beati Petri The inheritance of the blessed Peter Papacy
Patrona Franconiae Patron of Franconia Wurzburg
Pax Aeterna Eternal peace Rome, Marcus Aurelius
Pax et Abundantia Peace and plenty Burgundy, Gelderland
Pax Missa Per Orbem Peace sent throughout the world England, Anne
Pax Petrus Peace Peter Trier, 10th century
Pax Praevalet Armis May peace prevail by force of arrns Mainz
Pax Quaeritur Bello Peace is sought by war Commonwealth, Cromwell
Pecunia Totum Circumit Orbem Money goes round the whole world Brazil
Per Aspera Ad Astra Through difficulties to the stars Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Per Angusta ad Augusta Through precarious times to the majestic Solrns-Roedelheim, a pun on the name of the ruler Johan August
Per Crucem Tuam Salva Nos Christe Redemptor By Thy cross save us, O Christ our Redeemer England, angels
Per Crucem Tuam Salva Nos Xpe Redemt By Thy cross save us, O Christ our Redeemer Portugal, 15th century
Perdam Babillonis Nomen May the name of Babylon perish Naples
Perennitati lustissimi Regis For the duration of the most just king France, Louis Xlll
Perennitati Principis Galliae Restitutionis For the duration of the restoration of the prince of the Gauls France, Henri IV
Perfer et Obdura Bruxella Carry on and stick it out, Brussels Brussels siege, 1579-80
Perpetuus in Nemet Vivar ] Hereditary count in Nemt-Ujvar Batthanyi
Pietate et Constantia By piety and constancy Fulda
Pietate et Iustitia By piety and justice Denmark
Plebei Urbanae Frumento Constituto Free distribution of grain to the urban working-class established Rome, Nerva
Pleidio Wyf l'm Gwlad True am l to my country UK, Welsh one pound edge inscription
Plus Ultra Beyond (the Pillars of Hercules) Spanish America
Point du Couronne sans Peine Point of the crown without penalty Coburg
Pons Civit Castellana The bridge of the town of Castellana Papacy
Populus et Senatus Bonon The people and senate of Bologna Bologna
Post Mortem Patris Pro Filio For the son after his father's death Pontefract siege coins
Post Tenebras Lux After darkness light Geneva
Post Tenebras Spero Lucem After darkness l hope for light Geneva
Posui Deum Adiutorem Meum I have made God my helper England, Ireland, 1351-1603
Praesidium et Decus Protection and ornament Bologna
Prima Sedes Galliarum First see of the Gauls Lyon
Primitiae Fodin Kuttenb ab Aerari Iterum Susceptarum First results dug from the Kuttenberg mines in a renewed undertaking Austria
Princps luventutis Prince of youth Roman Empire
Pro Defensione Urbis et Patriae For the defence of city and country France, Louis XIV
Pro Deo et Patria For God and the fatherland Fulda
Pro Deo et Populo For God and the people Bavaria
Pro Ecclesia et Pro Patria For the church and the fatherland Constance
Pro Fausio PP Reitur VS For happy retums of the princes of the Two Sicilies Naples and Sicily
Pro Lege et Grege For law and the flock Fulda
Pro maximo Dei Gloria et Bono Publico For the greatest glory of God and the good of the people Wurttemberg
Pro Patria For the fatherland Wurzburg
Propitio Deo Secura Ago With God's favour I lead a secure life Saxe-Lauenburg
Protector Literis Literae Nummis Corona et Salus A protection to the letters (on the face of the coin), the letters (on the edge) are a garland and a safeguard to the coinage Commonwealth, Cromwell broad
Protege Virgo Pisas Protect Pisa, O Virgin Pisa
Provide et Constanter Wisely and firmly Wurttemberg
Providentia et Pactis Through foresight and pacts Brandenburg-Ansbach
Providentia Optimi Principis With the foresight of the best prince Naples and Sicily
Proxima Fisica Finis Nearest to natural end Orciano
Proxima Soli Nearest to the sun Modena
Pulcra Virtutis Imago The beautiful image of virtue Genoa
Pupillum et Viduam Suscipiat May he support the orphan and the widow Savoy
Quae Deus Conjunxit Nemo Separet What God hath joined let no man put asunder England, James I
Quem Quadragesies et Semel Patriae Natum Esse Gratulamur Whom we congratulate for the forty-first time for being born for the fatherland Lippe-Detmold
Qui Dat Pauperi Non Indigebit Who gives to the poor will never be in need Munster
Quid Non Cogit Necessitas To what does Necessity not drive Ypres
Quin Matrimonii Lustrum Celebrant They celebrate their silver wedding Austria, 1879
Quocunque Gesseris Jeceris Stabit Whichever way you throw it it will stand Isle of Man
Quod Deus Vult Hoc Semper Fit What God wishes always occurs Saxe-Weimar
Reconduntur non Retonduntur They are laid up in store, not thundered back Savoy
Recta Tueri Defend the right Austria
Recte Constanter et Fortiter Rightly, constantly and bravely Bavaria
Recte Faciendo Neminem Timeas May you fear no one in doing right Solms-Laubach
Rector Orbis Ruler of the world Rome, Didius Julianus
Rectus et Immotus Right and immovable Hesse
Redde Cuique Quod Suum Est Render to each that which is his own England, Henry Vlll
Redeunt antiqui Gaudia Moris There return the joys of ancient custom Regensburg
Reg Pr Pol et Lith Saxon Dux Royal prince of Poland and Lithuania and duke of Saxony Trier
Regia Boruss Societas Asiat Embdae Royal Prussian Asiatic Society of Emden Prussia
Regier Mich Her Nach Deinen Wort Govern me here according to Thy word Palatinate
Regnans Capitulum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Ratisbonensis Sede Vacante Administering the chapter of the cathedral church at Regensburg, the see being vacant Regensburg
Regni Utr Sic et Hier Of the kingdom of the Two Sicilies and of Jerusalem Naples and Sicily
Religio Protestantium Leges Angliae Libertas Parliamenti The religion of the Protestants, the laws of England and the freedom of Parliament England, Royalists, 1642
Relinquo Vos Liberos ab Utroque Homine I leave you as children of each man San Marino
Restauracao da Independencia Restoration of independence Portugal, 1990
Restitutor Exercitus Restorer of the army Rome, Aurelian
Restitutor Galliarum Restorer of the Gauls Rome, Gallienus
Restitutor Generis Humani Restorer of mankind Rome, Valerian
Restitutor Libertatis Restorer of freedom Rome, Constantine
Restitutor Orbis Restorer of the world Rome, Valerian
Restitutor Orientis Restorer of the east Rome, Valerian
Restitutor Saeculi Restorer of the century Rome, Valerian
Restitutor Urbis Restorer of the city Rome,Severus
Ros- Americana Utile Dulci The American rose, useful and sweet American colonies
Rosa Sine Spina A rose without a thorn England, Tudor coins
Rutilans Rosa Sine Spina A dazzling rose without a thorn England, Tudor gold coins
S Annae Fundgruben Ausb Tha in N Oe Mining thaler of the St Anne mine in Lower Austria Austria
S Ap S Leg Nat Germ Primas Legate of the Holy Apostolic See, born Primate of Germany Salzburg
S Carolus Magnus Fundator Charlemagne founder Munster
S. Gertrudis Virgo Prudens Niviella St Gertrude the wise virgin of Nivelles Nivelles
SI Aul Reg Her & P Ge H Post Mag General hereditary postmaster, supreme of the imperial court of the hereditary kingdom and provinces Paar
S. Ian Bapt F. Zachari St John the Baptist, son of Zachary Florence
S. Kilianus Cum Sociis Francorum Apostoli St Kilian and his companions, apostles to the Franks Wunburg
S. Lambertus Patronus Leodiensis St Lambert, patron of Liege Liege
Sac Nupt Celeb Berol For the holy matrimony celebrated at Berlin Brandenburg-Ansbach
Sac Rom Imp Holy Roman Empire German states
Sac Rom Imp Provisor Iterum Administrator of the Holy Roman Empire for the second time Saxony
Salus Generis Humani Safety of mankind Rome, Vindex
Salus Patriae Safety of the fatherland Italy
Salus Populi The safety of the people Spain
Salus Provinciarum Safety of the provinces Rome, Postumus
Salus Publica Salus Mea Public safety is my safety Sweden
Salus Reipublicae The safety of the republic Rome, Theodosius Il
Salus Reipublicae Suprema Lex The safety of the republic is the supreme law Poland
Salvam Fac Rempublicam Tuam Make your state safe San Marino
Sanctus Iohannes Innoce St John the harmless Gandersheim
Sans Changer Without changing Isle of Man
Sans Eclat Without pomp Bouchain siege, 1711
Sapiente Diffidentia Wise distrust Teschen
Scutum Fidei Proteget Eum/Eam The shield of faith | shall protect him/her England, Edward Vl and I Elizabeth I
Secundum Voluntatem Tuam Domine Your favourable will o Lord Hesse
Securitati Publicae For the public safety Brandenburg-Ansbach
Sede Vacante The see being vacant Papal states, Vatican and ecclesiastical coinage
Sena Vetus Alpha et W Principum et Finis Old Siena alpha and omega, the beginning and the end Siena
Senatus Populus QR Senate and people of Rome Rome, 1188
Si Deus Nobis cum Quis Contra Nos If God is with us who can oppose us Hesse
Si Deus Pro Nobis Quis Contra Nos If God is for us who can oppose us Roemhild
Sieh Deine Seeligkeit Steht Fest Ins Vaters Liebe Behold thy salvation stands surely in thy Father's love Gotha
Signis Receptis When the standards had been recovered Rome, Augustus
Signum Crucis The sign of the cross Groningen
Sincere et Constanter Truthfully and steadfastly Hesse-Darmstadt
Sit Nomen Domini Benedictum Blessed be the name of the Lord Burgundy, Strasbourg
St T X Adiuto Reg Iste Domba Let it be to you, o Christ, the assistant to the king of Dombes Dombes
Sit Tibi Xpe Dat q'tu Regis Iste Ducat May this duchy which Thou rulest be given to Thee, O Christ Venice, ducat
Sit Unio Haec Perennis May this union last for ever Hohenlohe-Langenberg
Sola Bona Quae Honesta The only good things are those which are honest Brunswick
Sola Facta Deu Sequor Through deeds alone I strive to follow God Milan
Soli Deo Honor et Gloria To God alone be honour, and glory Nassau
Soli Reduci To him, the only one restored Naples and Sicily
Solius Virtutis Flos Perpetuus The flower of Virtue alone is perpetual Strasbourg
Spes Confisa Deo Nunquam Confusa Recedit Hope' entrusted in God never retreats in a disorderly fashion Lippe
Spes Nr Deus God is our hope Oudenarde siege,1582
Spes Rei Publicae The hope of the republic Rome, Valens
Strena ex Argyrocopeo Vallis S Christoph A New Year's gift from the silver-bearing valley of St Christopher Wurttemberg, 1625
Sub His Secura Spes Clupeus Omnibus in Te Sperantibus Under these hope is safe, a shield for all who reside hope in Thee Bavaria
Sub Pondere Under weight Fulda
Sub Protectione Caesarea Under imperial protection Soragna
Sub Tuum Praesidium Confug We flee to Thy protection Salzburg
Sub Umbra Alarum Tuarum Under the shadow of Thy wings lever, Scotland, James V
Subditorum Salus Felicitas Summa The safety of the subjects is the highest happiness Lubeck
Sufficit Mihi Gratia Tua Domine Sufficient to me is Thy grace, o Lord Ploen
Supra Firmam Petram Upon a firm rock Papacy
Susceptor Noster Deus God is our defence Tuscany
Sydera Favent Industriae The stars favour industry Furstenberg
Sylvarum Culturae Praemium Prize for the culture of the forest Brandenburg-Ansbach
Tali Dicata Signo Mens Fluctuari Nequit Consecrated by such a sign the mind cannot waver England, Henry VIII George noble
Tandem Bona Caus Triumphat A good cause eventually triumphs Dillenburg
Tandem Fortuna Obstetrice With good luck ultimately as the midwife Wittgenstein
Te Stante Virebo With you at my side l shall be strong Moravia
Tene Mensuram et Respice Finem Hold the measure and look to the end Burgundy
Tert Ducat Secular Tercentenary of the duchy Wurttemberg
Thu Recht Schev Niemand Go with right and fear no one (Saxe-Lauenburg
Tibi Laus et Gloria To Thee be praise and glory Venice
Timor Domini Fons Vitae The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life England, Edward Vl shillings
Tout Avec Dieu Everything with God Brunswick, 1626
Traiectum ad Mosam The crossing of the Maas Maastricht
Transvolat Nubila Virtus Marriageable virtue soon flies past Grueyeres
Travail, Famille, Patrie Work, family, country Vichy France
Triumphator Gent Barb Victor over the barbarian people Byzantine Empire, Arcadius
Tueatur Unita Deus May God guard these united (Kingdoms) England, James I; Britain, 1847
Turck Blegert Wien Vienna besieged by the Turks Vienna, 1531
Tut Mar Gab Pr Vid de Lobk Nat Pr Sab Car et Aug Pr de Lobk Regency of Maria Gabriela, widow of the prince of Lobkowitz, born princess of Savoy-Carignan, and August prince of Lobkowitz Lobkowitz
Tutela Italiae The guardianship of Italy Rome, Nerva
Ubi Vult Spirat He breathes where he will Papacy
Ubique Pax Peace everywhere Rome, Gallienus
Union et Force Union and strength France
Urbe Obsessa The city under siege Maastricht
Urbem Virgo Tuam Serva Protects thy city o virgin (Mary) Strasbourg
USC & RAM Cons Int Gen C Mar & Nob Praet H Turmae Capit Privy councillor of both their holy imperial and royal apostolic majesties, general field marshal and captain of the noble praetorian Hungarian squadrons Eszterhazy
Vculis Aulae Argenteis Patriae Indigenti Ministravit Auxilia With the silver vessels of the court aid was brought to the needy fatherland Eichstadt, 1796
Vehiculatione Italiae Remissa Postal tax of Italy remitted Rome, Nerva
Veni Lumen Cordium Come light of hearts Vatican
Veni Sancte Spiritus Come Holy Ghost Vatican
Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum The word of the Lord abides forever Hesse-Darmstadt, Veldenz
Veribs Lex Tua The truth is your law Salzburg
Veritas Temporis Filia Truth is the daughter of time England and Ireland, Mary Tudor
Veritate et Labore By truth and work Wittgenstein
Veritate et lustitia By truth and justice German states
Victoria Principum The victory of princes Ostrogoths
Videant Pauperes et Laetentur Let the poor see and rejoice Tuscany
Virgo Maria Protege Civitatem Savonae Virgin Mary Protect the city of Savona Savona
Viribus Unitis With united strength Austria
Virtute et Fidelitate By virtue and faithfulness Hesse-Cassel
Virtute et Prudentia With virtue and prudence Auersperg
Virtute Viam Dimetiar I shall mark the way with valour Waldeck
Virtutis Gloria Merces Glory is the reward of valour Holstein-Gottorp
Vis Unita Concordia Fratrum Fortior United power is the stronger harmony of brothers Mansfeld
Visitavit Nos Oriens ex Alto He has visited us arising on high Luneburg
Vivit Post Funera He lives after death Bremen
Von Gottes Gn lohan Bischof Zu Strasburg Landtgraf in Elsass By God's grace John, Bishop of Strasbourg, Landgrave in Alsace Strasbourg
Vota Optata Romae Fel Vows taken for the luck of Rome Rome, Maxentius
Vox de Throno A voice from the throne Papacy
Was Got Beschert Bleibet Unerwert What God hath endowed leave undisturbed
Wider macht und List Mein Fels Gott Ist Against might and trickery God is my rock Hesse-Cassel
Xpc Vincit Xpc Regnat Christ conquers, Christ reigns Scotland, Spain
Xpc Vivet Xpc Regnat Xpc Impat Christ lives, Christ reigns, Christ commands Cambrai
Xpe Resurescit Christ lives again Venice
Xpistiana Religio Christian religion Carolingian Empue
Xps Ihs Elegit me Regem Populo Jesus Christ chose me as king to the people Norway
Zelator Fidei Usque ad Montem An upholder of the faith through and through Portugal
Zu Gott Allein Mein Hoffnung To God alone my hope Mansfeld
Zum Besten des Vaterlands To the best of the fatherland Bamberg

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